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Spiritual Pathways Holistic Healing

Malik's Bio

Malik Adisa-Ajene, HHP, AAS

Malik Adisa-Ajene, Owner and CEO

Malik's Education and Training

Malik Adisa-Ajene (Bro. Malik) is the founder and CEO of Spiritual Pathways Holistic Healing. Malik has studied holistic health care since the mid-1990s and has trained and received guidance from some of the country's more prominent and affluent natural healers. Malik has Holistic Nutrition and Herbalism certifications from the American College of Healthcare Sciences and Classic Naturopathy & Hygenic Sciences and Metaphysics from the University of Kemetian Sciences in Orlando, FL. Malik is a graduate of the American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) in Portland, OR, and has a diploma in Holistic Healthcare Practices and an associate degree in Applied Science in Integrative Health Sciences.

Malik's Path to Holistic Life

After suffering from a string of sinus infections, colds, and other ailments in his late twenties and not receiving any relief from "conventional" medicine, Malik began to take an interest in herbal remedies to assist him in regaining his health. Along with a complete and radical change in diet (Malik turned to a completely Vegan diet in 1999), lifestyle, and mental and spiritual thinking, Malik was able to rebalance his health and eliminate the ongoing issues that he had with upper respiratory infections. After finding success in alternative medicine, he committed himself to learning all he could to teach all he could about the benefits of holistic living. With this goal in mind, Malik takes every opportunity to educate himself on the benefits of optimal health to educate others and help them achieve optimal health. 


The Health Walk Podcast

Malik is the creator, producer, and host of The Health Walk podcast, a live show on the Spiritual Pathways Holistic Healing's Facebook page and the Spiritual Pathways Holistic Healing's YouTube channel. The Health Walk podcast discusses hot health topics in physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and environmental to inform its audience of the health concerns surrounding the six areas of health and provides solutions from educators and practitioners within the holistic health community. The Health Walk aims to provide content to help its audience make informed decisions regarding personal and collective health.

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