Because of our fast-paced, and for many of us, unnatural lives, many of us rush along, day in and out, simply operating in unconscious mode and survival mode. We're totally oblivious to many basic human things and happenings, especially pertaining to others that we co-exist with. We are too busy and preoccupied (in a very linear sense or way) with our own lives in a negative connotative "selfish" way.
I purposely say "negative connotative" selfish way because I believe in being selfish. There's a negative way to be selfish and a positive way to be selfish. I embrace the positive way of being selfish. The negative way of being selfish is when you operate strictly from the base of the lower chakras level, being motivated by fear, gain or greed, control, and ego. This type of selfishness is limited to the Self. You don't care about others. You're only preoccupied with “Self,” and it stops there. This is an imbalance!